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We believe financial planning and education is for everyone.

Our approach

We empower people to align money and life—achieving financial freedom on their terms through Financial Alignment.

In tune with life, Financial Alignment is a people-first approach to financial planning. Meeting you where you are—offering flexible solutions that empower.

Access everything from real-time analysis of your financial picture to free educational resources right from your phone.

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A team of people with "volunteer" t-shirts on unloading boxes from a van together.
A mother and child dancing together. They are smiling and looking into each other’s eyes.

About us

We are a diverse team driven by a shared vision—a financial industry that is equitable, representative, and purposeful. Accessible to the underserved and underrepresented.

We are on the way one person at a time.

Transforming your path to financial freedom has never been so accessible.